Recently the coding industry has been growing like crazy, there are people out there who want to learn to code and develop types of apps/ websites for the community.

Table of Contents:

  1. What does coding mean?
  2. Choosing the right path
  3. Where to learn from?
  4. Practice
  5. Editing/ Reading someone else's code
  6. Not getting distracted
  7. Golden rule

What does coding mean?

In simple terms, coding is the process of using a programming language to develop apps, programs, websites, and a lot of cool things. The code tells the computer what actions to take and writing code is like creating a set of instructions.

Choosing the right path

There are operating systems for computers like Windows, Linux, and Macintosh and you can choose which Operating system you want to install and run it on your computer.

Similarly, there are two branches of coding (There are more but for a beginner these two are enough). These are:

App Development

It is pretty transparent, in app development you develop apps that can be published to the app store and the play store.

Languages used for app development: